Thursday, February 21, 2008

Brownies of awesomeness

I keep seeing posts on here that end with food that is (at the very least) edible, which does not imply sucking at cooking.  Allow me to demonstrate some REALLY sucky cooking.

In high school, my friend Emily (not Caldwell) and I were making dinner for some friends.  We made homemade brownies, and just before dinner started, I took them out of the oven and set them on top of the stove to cool until time for dessert.

Halfway through dinner, Emily thought she heard something in the kitchen, so she went to investigate.  She said she thought the brownies were crying (I know, this definitely sounds like Emily Caldwell, but I promise it's not.)  I came in to see what she was talking about.

She was right.  The brownies were making a high pitched noise that sounded like crying.  We were both leaning in to see what it was, and all of the sudden we both jumped back.  Just in time.  The brownies EXPLODED.

We had made them in a glass dish, and the burner I had set them on was set on high (how am I supposed to remember to check things like that??)  There are still black marks on their carpet and wall where molten glass landed.

Good times.


Unknown said...

You argue that to really suck, you can't have something that's still edible. I've exploded pyrex myself, but I still ate the brownies! Ok, only pieces without super-large chunks of glass... but still! said...


And also ... that's gross, Brian.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA, I love you Rachel!