Thursday, January 8, 2009

Doomed Macaroons

After a few weeks of sustaining ourselves on sugary cookies and large amounts of alcohol, we decided to institute a "health week" of sorts. I've was searching on the internet for creative recipes that are still healthy when I came across this one for Coconut Macaroons that seemed pretty straight forward and sans all the fatty (read: delicious) ingredients. It also only made four macaroons - so snacking on the remainder of a two dozen batch for the next week wouldn't be an option. And, of course, in the picture they were quite attractive.

My Mistakes, in Order:
1. Thinking that a tasty AND healthy version of macaroons exists
2. Not greasing the pan
3. Obviously something went WAY wrong with the chocolate drizzle. Im guessing we need to use the double boiler method instead of the microwave method.
4. Serving these ugly little wads of coconut and chocolate anyway. Even with only four in the recipe, we still had leftovers - and they went in the trash!

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